Londis celebrates National Independents’ Week

Oaktree Road Londis is offering various discounts this week to mark National Independents’ Week — a celebration of local shops in the local community.  

“A lot of people rely on local retailers like us — the elderly, those on low incomes and people who don’t own a car,” says the store’s flyer, “but we’re finding that people choose to shop with us because they know they’ll get good service and a choice of products that’s tailor-made to suit the area."

The store is offering 10% off shopping on Tuesday June 3 (excluding lottery, tobacco, top ups, stamps and existing offers).

From Wednesday until Friday June 6 there will be a 20% discount on all fruit and veg, and 25% discount on Cuisine de France bread and hot food products on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8.

“Losing the post office in February was a major blow to the local community,” continues the flyer, which goes on to thank everyone who supported the campaign to save it.

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