Have your say on green spaces

The City Council is consulting the public on the best way to improve Southampton’s green spaces.

The Green Spaces Strategy consultation draft sets out a vision that will help to shape and develop Southampton’s green spaces for years to come. It looks at how Southampton City Council will invest in and improve green spaces — which account for more than 20 per cent of Southampton — for years to come.

Cllr Williams
Cllr Williams
Last year it was estimated that more than 17 million visits were made to Southampton’s parks and green spaces by local residents — with the city’s 49 parks providing great locations for people to visit to relax and keep fit and healthy in.

Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Service, Councillor Phil Williams, said: “Part of the strategy will look at community involvement and how people can get involved in helping manage and develop neighbourhood green spaces for the future.
Riverside Park
Riverside Park

“We are consulting widely on this strategy and we need your views and comments about your local parks.”

For more information on the Green Space Strategy consultation draft and to offer your views visit this council webpage - use the links on the right hand side of the page to download the strategy and to complete the questionnaire.

Alternatively, if you would like additional information, telephone Nick Yates on 023 8083 2857.

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