“People who live near to Bitterne Triangle, please buy your fruit and veg from Chapys.” That’s the appeal we’ve been sent by one bitternepark.info reader, who says that “if we don’t use it, we will lose it”, and encourages us all to use local shops when we can.
Article continues after this message...
“When Fruitopia closed there was an outcry at its sad loss: very justified. Thanks to Michelle, we have a greengrocer again at Bitterne Triangle. It's a brave enterprise and hard work especially as shelf life of fresh goods is so short.
The more custom Michelle gets, the more stock she can offer. I gather lots of folk asked for organic produce but not enough people bought it and too much had to be thrown away. She is very obliging with customer requests but she can only stock what sells.
All people who live within walking/cycling distance of Bitterne Triangle, think of your local shops before you drive to a big supermarket. Those who say it's more convenient to get everything in one supermarket, do they consider the time spent wandering round the massive store (and the money spent on extra items many of which end up in the bin)? Rather spend the time passing the time of day with your friendly greengrocer and other customers. Let's make this shop and others at the Triangle thrive again!”
Interesting links
Friends of the Earth Shop Local First campaign
Clone Town Britain news from the New Economics Foundation
Shop around for diverse high streets while you still can - Guardian