Fluoride debate comes to Bitterne. Or does it?

tapThe first in a series of drop-in events about whether more fluoride should be added to our water will be held by the Health Authority in Bitterne on September 18. But those against fluoride say they aren't allowed to give the other side of the story at the events.

Update: Hampshire Against Fluoridation is staging a protest about what they say is the one-sided nature of the water fluoridation at the drop-in event at 6pm.
The first of various city drop-in sessions, organised by the South Central Strategic Health Authority, takes place from 12 noon - 8pm at Bitterne Parish Hall & Wesley Centre, Wesley Hall, Whites Road, Bitterne SO19 7NS.

Some opposed to fluoridation have dubbed the consultations a “sham” (
First shot fired in the fluoride war as ‘drop ins’ labelled ‘a sham’: Daily 'Echo) as they say they aren't being allowed to present their view at the events.

In 2009 the Board of South Central Strategic Health Authority will decide whether it is a good idea to put more fluoride in the water supply. They say they will base their decision on research evidence, surveys, expert guidance and feedback from local people.

A map of areas that would be affected if move goes ahead is here.

First shot fired in the fluoride war as ‘drop ins’ labelled ‘a sham’ - Daily Echo, Sept 11 2008

SHA board report on fluoridation (pdf)

Water Fluoridation consultation — South Central SHA

Give your views online (takes 5-10 mins)

Hampshire Against Fluoridation

UK Against Fluoride

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