Help create an Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail

helperThe Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is running volunteer conservation days as part of the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project. Read on to find out how you can do your bit for local history and wildlife.

The project aims to conserve the Itchen Navigation and create a heritage trail that celebrates its wildlife, history and value to people. It relies on the help and support of local volunteers in preserving some of the archaeological features on the Navigation and improving the river habitat for wildlife.

Mansbridge Lock Preservation
Sunday October 12

Come and help preserve one of the historic locks on the Itchen Navigation. The task will be led by the Inland Waterways Association and will mainly involve vegetation clearance.

Mansbridge Habitat Enhancement
Friday November 14
Saturday November 22 NB This session has been cancelled
Wednesday December 3

helpersThe aim is to open up views across the Itchen Navigation next to Mansbridge Open Space. This task will be led by the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.

For all tasks meet at 10am at the White Swan Pub car park on Mansbridge Road. Bring outdoor clothing (long sleeves), sturdy footwear, a packed lunch and drinks.

If you’re planning to attend on any of the days, please contact Polly Whyte, Project Officer to let her know: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    tel: 01489 774400
Please note all under 16’s need to be accompanied by an adult.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project

Itchen to save heritage - Daily Echo

Itchen Navigation
- Wikipedia

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