Bitterne Park Secondary School governors have decided to progress a partnership with PlayFootball to develop all weather pitches and a clubhouse, according to a letter from Deputy Headteacher Gordon Smith.
Mr Smith says in his letter to those who recently signed a petition against the proposal, and to those who have been in correspondence over the issue, that legal and planning requirements have been followed correctly, and that “the concerns of the local community have been at the forefront of our planning over the last 18 months.”
“We, as a school, have discussed with the City Council all the possible community concerns and made sure that PlayFootball comply with all the strict planning restrictions required of them.”
Considerable public opposition to the idea was expressed at a public meeting in August, at which the School was not represented. All speakers from the floor were against the idea. The meeting heard that the scheme was on hold until the community, governors and management gave it the green light.
Among other points, Mr Smith says in his letter that: floodlights will be turned off at 10pm and operate at zero flux level at 40m; the clubhouse will stop serving refreshments at 10pm and close by 10.30pm; no live or loud music will be allowed in the bar; no private functions will be allowed other than young person’s birthday parties; 30 extra parking spaces will be developed (improving daytime parking in local streets); local ‘traffic calming measures’ have been agreed with Planning; and that building developments won’t affect the badger and bat population.
The School is planning to hold an Information Evening about the proposal "soon". Any members of the community are invited to apply for an invitation to this event - by Monday October 13 - to:
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Deputy Headteacher
Bitterne Park School
1 Copewood Road
SO18 1BU
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