Have your say on City budget

civic centreThe City Council is inviting comments on next year's budget proposals. These include reducing hours in some smaller libraries, cutting free swimming for under 12s, reducing the numbers of City Patrol wardens and closing The Quays Swimming Pool earlier.

The libraries facing a reduction of 5.5 hours, to create a Ł12,000 saving, are Thornhill and Weston.

The budget proposals have been set by the ruling Conservative group in line with a set of 'Policy Priorities' which they have also published. Download them here.

Some highlights of the budget proposals are in December's issue of City News which is already published and will be delivered to homes in the coming weeks.

The information can also be found on the City Council's website in Cabinet Meeting papers. (see Item A17). The proposals are detailed in Appendix 3, downloadable as a PDF here.

Revised proposals are expected to be published in mid January with the completed budget being put to the Council on February

The deadline for comment is December 21. There is an online questionnaire on the Council's website here and you can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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