Airport: time to say no is now!

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BAA plc's public consultation period about their plans to expand operations at Southampton airport ends on October 31, and if, like most of us, you disagree with their astonishing proposals, you need to act now! There are currently huge concerns in our community about safety, noise, and pollution  - never mind the problems that increased flights will bring. Now is the time to voice these concerns.

If you haven't done so already, please tell the airport what you think. And copy your letter to Southampton City Council, Eastleigh Borough Council, and our MP John Denham.

Click here for a list of names, addresses, and email addresses. Click here to download a PDF sample letter - or better still, write your own: it doesn't need to be an essay. And click here to download a PDF poster, and here for leaflets. You can find out more about the national Pledge Against Airport Expansion here.

We know that not everyone uses the internet, so you might want to talk to your neighbours, and give them information from here too.

Let's be sure the airport, and our representatives, know just how we feel!

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