Swap seeds and protect biodiversity

october books signSouthampton Seed Swap, sponsored by Portswood’s October Books, takes place on Sunday, February 15 from 10am - 4pm at Woolston Community Centre, SO19 9EP

“Over the past century we have lost 97% of our vegetable varieties in the UK alone. A handful of corporations now control a quarter of the world's entire seed market - the very same corporations that are pushing their GM 'products' into our homes and on to our tables,” says the Seed Swap’s web page.


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Organisers say these types of events, which are growing in popularity, are a great way to protect biodiversity.

For a period after this event, October Books will have a small selection of leftover seeds on their counter, which can be purchased for a voluntary donation.

Seed Swap entrance: 50p. Fully wheelchair accessible.

More info: http://www.octoberbooks.org/seedswap/

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