Doors open at Sure Start Townhill Park and Harefield

Young children and families from Townhill Park and Harefield are invited to get messy to mark the launch of the new Sure Start Children’s Centre on Tuesday, February 24.



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They will be joining the Mayor of Southampton, Councillor Brian Parnell, and Executive Director of Children’s Services and Learning, Clive Webster, for the grand opening of Sure Start Townhill Park and Harefield at the Cutbush Children’s Centre.

As part of the launch celebrations at the Cutbush Centre, Cutbush Lane, parents and children under five are invited to join in with pancake making, face painting and lots of fun outdoor activities on Tuesday, February 24 between 11.30am and 1pm. The Mayor will cut the ribbon at 11:45am.

Children and parents will be able to roll their sleeves up with lots of activities including face painting, pancake challenge, a willow workshop , mobile farm and messy fun with Tracey Beckerleg, whose book on messy play has just been published.

The new Sure Start building includes a large community room with outdoor space, a meeting room, and a large play room with an extensive outdoor play area and a large office for the Sure Start workers and their health partners.

The main focus for the services is families with younger children but the building is designed to be used by a broad age range. A Breakfast and After School Club for Townhill Park Infant and Junior schools will operate in the Community Room and the Youth Service & Ante Natal classes will be using the Community Room during evenings each week.

The Sure Start team and partner agencies already run a range of projects including ‘stay and play’, mad4music, Family Point and host an SVS Family Projects group. Further activities are planned throughout 2009.

Councillor Peter Baillie, Cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “This new centre demonstrates Southampton’s commitment to improving services for families and making sure that children get the best possible start in life.

“By offering a range of programmes in key areas such as childcare, education, health and wellbeing advice, and employment training, Sure Start Townhill Park and Harefield will help ensure that children’s potential is unlocked at the earliest opportunity.”

Link: Sure Start in Southampton 

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