Cash boost for Squirrels Corner Pre-School

Squirrels Corner Pre-School, based at Moorlands Community Centre, Townhill Way, has received a cash boost of Ł4,299 from the Southampton East Neighbourhoods Partnership.

It's part of a Ł20,000 allocation to Southampton's East Neighbourhoods Partnerships projects from Southampton City Council.

The funding has been used to buy and install a secure steel shed to store the group’s equipment, as well as to purchase new outdoor play things, including tricycles, scooters, pushchairs, sand, water tables, activity mats and ball games.

Fey Audin, Early Years Practitioner at Squirrels Corner, said: "Everyone at Squirrel Corner is so pleased with the new shed and play equipment. We really thank the City Council, as it’s exactly what we wanted. If it wasn’t for the allocation of funds this wouldn`t have been able to happen."

Lisa Dyer, Lead Practitioner at the pre-school, added: "We used to have to keep all the equipment up in the loft, so the new shed has really made life easier. It also means the children can help us put everything away too."

Southampton City Council Cabinet Member for Communities and Regeneration, Councillor Liz Mizon said; "The funding that the East Neighbourhoods Partnerships have received from the City Council is excellent. This is just one of many projects the funding has gone towards and has been able to help towards providing valuable play equipment and a storage area for Squirrels Corner."

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