Leaning tower of Bitterne Park 'must move again'

towerThe much-loved Triangle clock tower, which was moved to its current location in 1934, is now leaning so precariously that it could collapse if it isn’t moved to a safer site, according to City engineers.

The tower was bequeathed to the town of Southampton by Mrs Henrietta Bellender Sayers, and officially unveiled at its original Above Bar home in December 1889.

It’s well known locally that the clock tower sits at an angle, but it seems that heavy traffic rumbling past nearby, combined with weak soil structure have all taken their toll on the tower’s foundations. Some believe vibrations caused by the spate of recent roadworks in the area have also added to the problem.

“It’s now a matter of urgency that a new site is found. The current site wasn’t suitable when the clock was moved in 1934, and daily commuter traffic has only exacerbated the problem,” a New Southampton Partnership engineer told bitternepark.info.  “It’s not a question of if, but when will the tower collapse if action isn’t taken,” they said.

The tilt in 2002, measured with a makeshift plumb-bob, was estimated to be 2 foot 1 inches out of vertical

According to engineers, it would be easier, more cost effective and cause less disruption to move the tower wholesale, rather than to attempt to shore up the weak foundations. A Partnership spokesman couldn’t rule out moving the tower away from Bitterne Park altogether, although the final decision will be in the hands of the politicians, they said.

Residents’ representatives reacted angrily to the news, and are already gearing up to fight any plan to move the clock tower, saying it’s an essential part of the “special nature” of Bitterne Park.

Bitterne Parking
But one local trader — who didn’t want to be named — welcomed moves to relocate the tower, saying that the site could be freed up for extra car parking spaces, which would boost trade at the Triangle.

“Everyone knows there’s a parking crisis at the Triangle, which is killing trade, and which successive administrations have failed to deal with,” she said.

Triangle Clock Tower
Clock tower: should it be replaced by a car park?



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