Children say what they want in Riverside Park

Children would like a spider’s web and robot climbing frame, swings, a roundabout, a slide, a springy duck, a see-saw, a wooden train and a zip wire at the Cobden Meadows playground in Riverside Park.

The children set out their ideas in a consultation carried out by Groundwork Solent as part of the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) Playbuilder programme.  The Playbuilder programme has given Ł1 million to Southampton City Council to build or improve play areas.

John Denham, the Labour MP for Southampton Itchen, said “The children came up with some really imaginative ideas.  It is clear that this play area is hugely popular and that the Government’s investment will be very welcome.”

The Council says work will take place on the playground late this year.

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