John Denham, MP for Southampton Itchen, has published his response to Southampton Airport's masterplan. In it he says: "It is essential that the Masterplan starts from the recognition that the current impact is unacceptable. Consideration of the Masterplan should not assume that any further deterioration would be acceptable."
He concentrates his submission on "the significant and harmful impact on the lives of local residents, particularly those in the Bitterne Park, Townhill Park and Midanbury areas."
He says: "The impact of the airport expansion has generated more concern than any other single constituency issue over the past ten years."
"In my judgement, the impact of the airport’s operation in the Townhill Park, Bitterne Park and Midanbury area has now reached a level that is unacceptable. The Masterplan shows no recognition of the scale of the problem, and demonstrates that the airport operators have not grasped the problems that are being caused."
On global warming, he says: "
the expansion takes place against a background of rising concern about global warming. Whilst the responsibility for climate change policy lies with governments at home and abroad, it seems at best debatable whether airport expansion as proposed will ever be compatible with sustainable development commitments and targets."
Read the full response on his website here