Urban Youth Festival returns to Hoglands Park

Thousands of young people are expected to attend the K2 Urban Youth Festival at Hoglands Park this weekend, as Southampton’s music and arts festival returns for its fourteenth year.

K2 Festival offers young people in the city the chance to get involved in all aspects of running a festival; they help manage the whole event and are involved from the beginning, from planning and delivery through to training and performance.


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The K2 festival on August 1, will feature two stages and one ‘open mic’ area, so people can choose whether to just sit back and listen or get up and have a go themselves. There will be performances by young people covering a range of talents from dancing and singing to comedy performance and DJ’ing.

As well as comedy, DJs, MCs, fun activities and the South’s new up and coming talent, organisations from across the city will also be attending the festival to offer advice, support and information on health and well-being, fitness diet and lifestyle for the city’s younger citizens.

Other activities include media and art workshops, offering young people the chance to try their hand at animation, photography, T shirt and flier design. “It’s the best thing in Southampton, and everybody gets excited about the K2 festival,” said one young person, HD aged 15.

Councillor Terry Matthews, Cabinet member for Young People and Skills, said: “The K2 festival is a great event that helps unite the young people of Southampton, offering them a creative and artistic outlet. The K2 festival is the perfect opportunity for young people of Southampton to come together and enjoy shared interests.”

Attractions on the day will also include a skate competition, football skills, climbing and volleyball. 

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