Podcast: St Denys Community Show

on the air sign
The first St Denys Community Show - a radio-style magazine programme - is available now. It features an interview with local rock band No Exit, information about the St Denys Junior Youth Club, music from pop duo Changes and interviews with local parents and children who are involved with home education. Click the 'read more' link to listen.

The 30-minute show has been put together by a small group of volunteers who are learning the techniques involved. They meet, do the recording, and edit the show at the St Denys Community Centre. They also get out and about with recorders to chat with people in the community.

If you would like to get involved in a future show or would like any other information then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can listen to the show using the player below.

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