Thornhill media facility needs your vote!

SoCo Music Project won the People's Millions!
SoCo Music Project is planning to convert a large area within the Hightown Youth Centre in Thornhill into a state of the art music and media studio - and they need everyone's support in a TV vote for funding on November 23.

SoCo Music Project is a not-for-profit community music project based in Southampton. It aims to provide fun and engaging music projects for people of all ages.

Their proposal, to build and run an exciting music and media studio facility for the people of Southampton at the Hightown Youth Centre in Thornhill, has won a place on the final list of projects going forward to the public vote for The People’s Millions.

State of the art media facilities

"The facility will be unique within the city, bringing professional quality music video and radio production equipment to the community in a state of the art studio,” explains Matt Savage, a director of SoCo. “A full programme of workshops and activities will be run for people across the city in areas such as live music, recording, music technology, film editing, internet radio, podcasting and much more, as well as providing valuable practice and learning space for the area."

The project will be featured on TV (Meridian Tonight) on November 23 and the public can vote over the phone all day (from 9am till midnight). The phone number will be published on the day on the People’s Millions website. Individuals can vote up to 10 times. The scheme will be up against another project (a sensory bus in Oxfordshire) and the winner on the day gets the funding. There are six projects in the final from our region, and the runner up with the highest number of votes will also get funded.

Viewer votes

“This is a fantastic opportunity for Southampton to have a top class media facility for use by the community,” says Matt.  “We’ve worked with some incredibly talented people in the city who would otherwise never get to the chance to use and be involved in what we hope to be an inspirational and exciting studio. We need viewer votes to make this project a reality.”

For more information

People's Millions

SoCo Music Project

Thornhill Pus You


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