New Cobden Bridge troll plan

toll booths

Flashback: Failed Cobden toll booth plan

Just two years after the failed bid to introduce tolls for motorists to cross Cobden Bridge, has learnt of ambitious new plans to introduce trolls under the Bridge.

It's thought the move has been designed to boost tourism, conservation - and bring much-needed jobs and flats to the area.

If successful, trolls could also be rolled out under the Itchen Bridge, and possibly even bring added value to the proposed end-of-pier spectacular prestigious luxury new world-class waterfront development project at Mayflower Park. 

And if a partnership agreement with Eastleigh goes ahead, trolls could one day also be seen in Howards Way country, by speeding motorists from the busy M27, as it crosses over the River Hamble.

Full details of the Cobden Bridge plan have yet to be thrashed out, but sources suggest that, if it goes ahead, the members of the Cobden troll troop will make at least one scheduled appearance per day - probably at midday.

Trolls like these could one day be commonplace beneath Southampton's bridges

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