Prepare to Enviro Rock!

Envirorock face painting
Southampton’s eighth annual environmental awareness and entertainment event ‘Environmental Rock’ takes place inside and out at The Hobbit pub in Bevois Valley on bank holiday Monday (May 3).

Organisers promise the event will be packed with information, ideas, tips and activities to help you turn that little bit greener, helping you make small changes that make a big difference to your local community and the environment - and which may even save you money!

veggie food at envirorock
It’s hoped that the expected 600+ visitors will be inspired to take action; that could be switching to a diet made up of more local foods, using public transport rather than a car to get to work, or insulating their loft. It could also be joining a local environmental group - many of which will be represented at the event.

This year’s Environmental Rock will consist of two parts for the first time: the successful daytime event, which starts at 12 noon, is supported by an all-new evening gig, with the first band on stage at 8pm.
More info here.

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