Want to know more about the whole Twitter thing? Click here.
Twitter allows people to post short 140-character posts, which can be received by others via the web, via an RSS feed, and even on their mobile phones. Others can then comment on these posts.
It does have a bit of a reputation of just being there so people can transmit the dull details of their lives — “8.30 am — just brushed teeth”! etc. And that can certainly be the case.
But we think it could also be a good way to share information and help develop the website, and many many others are already using Twitter in all sorts of creative and useful ways, so we thought we’d take the plunge and see how it goes.
We’d be happy if you try it with us!
We’ll try out different kinds of ‘Tweets’, from pointing to new website stories (although that won’t be comprehensive for a while — for that try using our RSS Feed) to giving the inside scoop on ‘breaking news’, website developments, and even personal impressions from local events.
How to sign up
You can read our Tweets now by clicking here. You can also use that page’s RSS feed to be alerted about new messages. And to create your own account, just click on the ‘join today’ button at the top right of that page and complete a few quick fields — that then enables you to log in, post messages, access your account from mobile devices and more.
More info
There’s lots more info on the Twitter site. This is another useful resource about Twitter.
Hope to see you there!