All about preserving trees

Many Whitworth Crescent and Whitworth Road residents have been saddened to see the loss of two beautiful trees on the river side of Whitworth Crescent. Lindsi Bluemel explains how more trees could be preserved.

I was told some time ago that the trees had preservation orders on them so I contacted the Tree Preservation Officer at the Council. He visited the site and then visited me at home to discuss my concerns.


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Apparently the trees did not have preservation orders on them but it seems that they could have been saved if they had. I asked him to confirm that there were preservation orders on the remaining tall trees when he returned to the office and, if not, to put orders on them, which he agreed to do. There appears to be a regrettable trend for the river side plots of land to be cleared of all vegetation, including trees, to make way for hardstanding for caravans and the like.

If there are trees anywhere in Bitterne Park that you would like to see preserved, do not hesitate - contact the Tree Preservation Officer now; do not assume they are already protected by Tree Preservation Orders.

Lindsi Bluemel

More info on the Council’s site here

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